Thursday, August 14, 2008

and I thought I was a bit homophopic

Yes, I know…you find that incredibly hard to believe, but it’s true.

First, let’s clear a few things up. I hate the term homophobe, because it suggests a phobia, or fear. Gay people don’t scare me in the least. In fact, I actually have gay friends, and we’ve discussed the things I dislike about gay people, principle among them is their insistence on shoving their gay-ness in your face. The vast majority don’t do that, but the few “militants” that do give the rest a bad name. Go to Disney World during “gay days” and you’ll see what I’m talking about. You really want to ask, "Could you keep your hand out of the back of his pants around the kids, please?" It’s not exactly a family atmosphere. For the record, there are things obnoxious bicyclists do that piss me off just as much, if not more, like take up an entire lane riding two or three abreast and blocking car traffic. Those people give me a bad name, and make car drivers hate all bicyclists. Then there's my other huge pet peeve...people who park in the fire lane in front of the grocery store/strip mall. Do these people not realize the rest of us look at them and critically determine that they, more than the average person, really could use the walk from the parking lot? But I digress. Stereotypes suck, but some people with agendas go out of their way to create them.

Still, this morning, as I was taking the youngster to the school bus stop for his first day of sophomore year (just saying that still amazes me), we were listening to the sports talk guys and they were discussing a sport I’ve been fascinated with during the Olympics this year, and have blogged about…synchronized diving. The conversation revolved around the general distaste of the sport by the host, on a Michael Phelps-less evening of Olympic viewing, and why that just generally sucked. It degenerated into…”here we have two dudes in speedos and…how does one become a synchronized diver anyway? How do two dudes get into that?” From there, well, you can imagine.

Honestly, I’ve been watching the men and women do this stuff over the last few days and….gay never entered my mind. I was just amazed at the ability to do it…or even come close. When it came over the airwaves, I just thought, “What the…??”

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Blogger Lynsey said...

LOL. I was driving yesterday and got caught behind a bunch of cyclists who hogged the road, just to piss me off, I could tell! I was so peeved!
Oh and that's why I can't stand Rosie O'Donnell. She shoves the gay thing in your face. We know you're gay, okay? And the thing is, we don't care!

6:47 AM  

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