Monday, May 09, 2005

That's what I get...

...for being so self righteous.

Played something like golf Saturday. I probably shouldn't have. I worked in the yard all morning and around noon, when I was finishing, a friend called and asked if I could about an hour. So I took a shower and rushed to the golf course and got there just in time (no stretching, no warm up, just go). Then I proceeded to play the ugliest 18 holes I have played in years. It was a nightmare. I should have declined because I really had to rush just to get there, but I didn't. Yes, the very ugly 109 went in the computer and confirmed the fact that it is easily the worst score I've had in at least 20. The only good news it it probably will never affect my handicap (other than taking up one of my 10 worst of the last 20 scores), because it will never be one of the best 10 scores of my last 20....or at least I hope not.

It was quite....humbling.


Blogger Jo said...

And just how much pie did you eat ?

9:56 AM  

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