Wednesday, October 26, 2005

put the damn brooms away

Let's talk World Series, and yes, it is the World Series. I'm sorry all you people in other parts of the world are not given a chance to compete, but the facts are the facts. In the words of George Steinbrenner, "We buy up all your best players." It's an ugly American thing. So France and Japan, now you know how the Kansas City Royals feel. Perennially, they have no shot at the World Series either. But anyway....

I'm finding myself pulling for Houston, or I did last night anyway, just because I want to see this thing last a little longer. The game last night (for as long as I watched it on a school night) was a great battle. It was just that the wrong team won, and I only say that because if they win again, they sweep and all that battling is forgotten.

I don't mind the White Sox winning the whole thing. I don't have a favorite among the teams. I just don't want it going down in history as a sweep, and that's all anyone remembers. "Yeah, the White Sox took the Astros in 4 that year. Astros must've sucked!" The games are pretty close and fun to watch. The White Sox just keep coming out on top...and maybe it's just me. Maybe the Astros really aren't good enough to keep up. I just want them to be, so it makes the Series better.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

8:06 AM  
Blogger John said...

The last comment was spam so I deleted it. That's the first one to get past the word verification.

8:11 AM  
Blogger Rebecca said...

the astros are good enough- that's what is so frustrating. We ought to be getting seven long tightly fought battles out of this matchup. I will be very upset if it ends in just four.

9:49 PM  
Blogger S.S. said...

I don't have the word verification on, yet I haven't got the spams since you guys put the word verf on. I thought they have finally stopped bugging us.

5:54 AM  

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