Friday, March 14, 2008

the Dr. visit

I had a Doctor's appointment this week. It was nothing to be concerned about...just a checkup. He likes to see me about every four months because he needs someone to insult, and if he can get them to pay him to do it, so much the better.

So yeah, the last time he saw me, I was fresh off my 180 mile bike ride and getting close to the weight he wants me at. Not close enough, he was quick to remind me, but I was trending in that direction. So far so good.

This time...I gained 8 pounds. Now, I still weigh a good 10 less than this time last year...maybe closer to 20, but I gained 8 pounds...and out came the fat talk again. No, I'm in no danger yet, but diabetes and obesity are out there, and I need to do something to get back on track, and...what happened?? You were doing so good...and...oh please stop.

I'm still hitting the gym twice a week and cycling on most weekends...pretty much every weekend except last weekend, because we did massive yard work instead. Granted, the distances have shrunk from 50 mile rides to 30 mile rides, because I have the youngster and a neighbor (sometimes two) riding with me, and they can't do 50 miles without stopping...yet, but I'm sure we'll get there. I did last year. It's all good.

So I find myself asking....why do I continue to pay this guy to insult me? This gets me into these arguments with myself....

You pay him because he's right, and you need to keep working at it.
No he's not. You're exercising more than anyone you know that's your age.
So what, you still like food too much. You're rationalizing because you sweat a little...big deal.
Heck, you can still go 30 miles on a bike without really hurting...much.
Yeah, but what about 50..or 60. How long's it been?
But you still weigh less than this time last year.
Yeah, and this time last year you were pretty disgusted with yourself. You gained 8 pounds since October.
But, Christmas was in there, and Christmas cookies and cakes and...
Yeah, you need to do something about those cookies.

..and they say people who talk to themselves are crazy. What about people who argue with themselves? It's not always calm and reasonable in the Lumberyard. Sometimes we're just a tad neurotic.



Blogger Lynsey said...

I'd relax. You ARE exercising more than most people I know! Doctors can sometimes be a little to high on themselves and yes, we pay them way too much for them to completely insult us. Just keep doing what you're doing, it seems to make you happy.

10:51 AM  

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