Wednesday, April 20, 2005

the morality myth

One of the many mantras of the liberal cause when talking about the christian conservatives in this country goes something like, "Don't force your morality on the country." That's a load of crap, and here's why.

The concept sounds pretty self righteous, even reasonable on the surface, but think about what it says for a minute. Is not just about every law we have doing just that? Well gee. Personally I think rape is wrong but I'd hate to be pushing my morality on anyone else. Murder. Yeah, I have a problem with it, but no, we shouldn't have a law because I don't feel right forcing my morality on anyone. Sounds absolutely stupid, doesn't it? That is the argument though - just not taken to that extreme. Morality is your sense of right and wrong, and is not the exclusive property of christians, muslims, jews, straights, gays, tree huggers, psychopaths or anybody else. Liberals are big on punishing people for hate crimes, but in the next breath will tell you we shouldn't force our morality on anyone. They'll tell you we should save the spotted owl, and stop logging companies from stripping trees from mountains, but let's not force out morality on anyone else. Can you see the hypocrasy? Personally, I agree that we need to save our natural resources, and we don't need to be leaving barren land where forests once stood. In doing so though, I realize if my viewpoint becomes legislation and I helped get it there, I most certainly am forcing my morality on someone else.

We kill babies every day in abortion clinics in the name of reproductive rights, but no, let's not push anybody's morality on anyone else. Have you ever looked at a sonogram? Can you, in good conscience, say that's not a life squirming around in there sucking his or her thumb? Most people I know of a liberal persuasion, when discussing abortion, will use the feel good rationalization that goes, "I could never have an abortion, but I don't want to force my morailty on anybody else." Murder is still murder, isn't it?

Again, I think people, no matter the opinion, tend to think it's OK to push our morality on others, because we think our morality is right. We just don't want other people forcing theirs on us when we don't agree with it. It's just that the liberal left likes to make it look like they're being victimized by the process, and they're doing the same thing. They just don't like to admit it.


Blogger S.S. said...

John, I think the issue of abortion is always a tricky one.

OK sure that's a murder to kill a baby/foetus. I'm not going to argue with that.

But to bring a baby to this world when the mother&/father is not ready, is also a crime. Ask those 'unwanted' kids, and they would say that they wish they were never born at all.

Who are we to tell them not to do the abortion? It's those people who have to live with the consequences for the rest of their life. If they don't feel guilty about that - you bet you don't want some innocent babies to be parented by these people hey?

9:22 PM  
Blogger John said...

I think you're right. It is an issue with a lot of faces, and mine is only one.

What I'm saying though is, the argument that we shouldn't push our morality on anyone else is rubbish, because we all do that everyday. If we didn't, we'd have anarchy.

7:32 AM  

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