Wednesday, July 06, 2005

I see London, I see France

Don't you just know the French have to be fuming after the Olympics they thought were going to Paris have been awarded to London? The fact that it went to the English, of all people, had to make it that much worse.

I haven't been a huge fan of the French ever since I sat in a restaurant in Nice (just up the coast from Cannes, home of the famous film fest) one day in 1982 with a few of my Navy buddies. One of them took French in high school, and wanted to properly butcher the language while ordering dinner. He succeeded, much to the chagrin of our waiter, who, falling right in step with the le' snoot stereotype, acted like he understood nothing. After a while my friend gave up, and we tried English, which the waiter also ignored. Finally, he broke out his worst imitation southern accent and said, "Fine Bubba! You just bring me some o' that French food! I want some french toast, some french bread and bring me a side of them french fries!" Needless to say that got us absolutely nowhere, so we left and ate elsewhere. Not every waiter was quite that above it all. On a side was my one and only shot at truffles. My advice is...don't. (Let me throw in here that it is rarely my advice to not try something new, but paying $30 for an appetizer about 3 inches in diameter and a quarter of an inch thick that tastes like that...I'll try to save you the trouble.) If you've ever tasted Underwood Deviled Ham (and I don't know if they still sell that stuff), you have the taste down, but the consistency isn't as pleasant. Soo, if you liked Underwood Deviled Ham, and want to relive that experience with a more pastey consistency, go ahead and indulge. That stuff was just gross, but I had to try it...once.

That, combined with the whole Iraq thing just left a bad taste in my mouth for all French whines, and I'll bet there's a big one brewing now.

Don't let it get to you too much France. After all, you're still the masters of runny cheese, and you'll always have that to hang your beret on (or is that in..ewwwwwww).


Blogger Jo said...

I see London
I see France
I see Paris
without its Pants !!!

Suck on that Mr Chirac...

1:13 PM  

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