Thursday, June 30, 2005

Bare Truths

I found this place while blog hopping, reading comments in one blog, checking out the blog of the commenter and so on, and I'll just was an education. It's more or less the diary of a stripper. I can't say I've never been in a strip club. I will say it's been at least 20 years, and close to 30. Back then a dollar was something. Now apparently, not so much. Also, back in my day, they didn't take everything off and they tucked their money in their g-string. I wonder where this girl puts it. Anyway, the blog is a perspective I haven't seen before and interesting sociological (is that a word?) commentary. I'd call it R rated because some of it's pretty descriptive, but it's not exactly erotic, nor is it attempting to be, so don't go there looking for a cheap thrill. For now, I stuck the link on the side with other blogs. Dunno how long it'll stay.


Blogger S.S. said...

You're right, John. It is interesting indeed.

6:36 PM  
Blogger John said...

The first thing it taught me is...strippers are a lot like everyone else. When I was younger and went to a strip club, I used to wonder how you get to know a person with that sort of talent. I would talk to them, but you could tell you weren't really talking to them. You were talking to what they wanted you to see. It didn't occur to me that I've already made the first big mistake. They met me in a strip club. They want to date guys who don't go to strip clubs. They want to profit from guys who do.

8:12 AM  

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