Wednesday, April 11, 2007

an open letter to Jaguar fans

I know, many of you dismissed the idea of riding in the MS150 bike ride because it comes during football season. You thought, "how could I possibly spend my Sunday afternoon on a bicycle, far from the maddening crowd, far from the play-by-play, far from the bone crunching hits and spectacular plays, far from the asshole trying to instigate the wave?" Therefore the MS150 was quickly dispatched to the "no freakin' way" bin.

Time to reconsider!

The 2007 schedule has been published and the weekend of the MS150 just happens to be the bye week! Lucky for you (and me)! You don't have to fret over what your Jaguars might or might not be doing as you pedal your way back from Daytona to Saint Augustine. You can ride, secure in the knowledge that they are comfortably wolfing down chips in front of their gazilion inch jumbotron in the theater rooms of their homes, or they just might be the guy on the bike right in front of you.

Get out there and ride, Jaguar fan!



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