Thursday, September 27, 2007

getting prepped

I'm a bad procrastinator with trips. I don't get ready ahead of time. I pack the night before...usually late the night before, or the morning of. Invaribly, I leave something behind that I would have remembered if I was just smart enough to prepare a little earlier, and left time to double check things.

This MS Ride thing is different though. It's a journey into the unknown, and as such, has interrupted the normal routine. Granted, anxiety over all that probably is the driving force, but I have a pile of stuff ready to go into a bag, just laying in wait in our bedroom. I have clothes to wear when we're there, swimming trunks to dive in the pool when I arrive, all hot and sweaty, bike clothes for the next day, my cholesterol/blood pressure medications, pain reliever, crap they gave us in the little goodie bag that might come in handy. I'm even bringing the stuff I don't know what to do with, or as the youngster said (through laughter) when going through the goodie bag from the check-in day, in search of booty, "Oh look, butt Dad, you can keep that." Sure enough, there was a little packet (looked like the condiments packet from a fast food place) with a cartoon picture of a butt with lightning bolts surrounding it. It wasn't the booty he was looking for though, so I could keep it. I've never had a use for the so-called butt cream, but I'm bringing it along, just in case.

According to Mr. My Doctor, (yes, the one who still wants me to lose weight,) if I keep this up and actually do lose a lot of weight, the blood pressure medication may exit my daily routine. Well, I'm close to the weight he wants me at, and still going down. Maybe next year, that'll be one less thing in the pile. If I get through the weekend and still have no use for butt cream, maybe that'll be two things.



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