Tuesday, July 15, 2008

buck up and take responsibility for what you do, Brett

I am already sooooo tired of the Brett Favre saga, and I know it's nowhere near over. How much more of this manure must I endure?

Brett Favre has held the Green Bay Packers hostage before. He did it last year and now he's doing it again. Last year the Packers waited for Brett to decide whether or not he was going to retire, so they could figure out what to do at quarterback if he decided to leave the game. This year he "did them a favor" and told the world through a tear filled speech in February that he was indeed leaving football.

The Packers asked him to reconsider. They even planned a trip to Mississippi when there were rumblings that he might change his mind. Then, when it looked like it was really going to happen, they planned for and started down the road of life without Favre.

Now he wants to play again, and he wants to hold all the cards, none of which are in his possession (except the loyalty of a few thousand Favre fans in Wisconsin...note I didn't say Packer fans). The man who dealt with pressure better than just about anybody and became a legend in Packer history wants to say a few people pressured him into making a bad decision. Who is he kidding? He says he didn't feel like they wanted him in Green Bay. Again, who's he trying to fool? I don't know of anyone who was a bigger fish in a small pond and adored pretty much everywhere he went. How low must your self image be to not feel wanted when you're Brett Favre in Green freakin' Bay Wisconsin? How much approval can a man possibly require? Makes me wonder how his wife ever convinced him that she so much as likes him. Then he wants the Packers to give up their rights to him, even though he signed a contract and got paid millions of bucks for those rights...or he wants to be the Packers starter. Yeah, and I want the Florida lottery guys to rig it so I win....two or three times....when the jackpot is huge...without buying a ticket. Sorry Brett. Welcome to the world of mere mortals. You don't get all that. You don't get any of that. It ain't yours to get.

You made a decision. You have to live with the consequences. The Packers are in a no-win situation and looking like the bad guys here, when it's all your fault. I realize you gave the Packers a lot, but you got a lot in return as well. I realize you're loved in Green Bay, and a lot of other places. I realize you can still play...probably good enough to start. If you need to get back to that, go back to Green Bay and take the role they give you, let the situation play out, and go from there. You may be the back up and then again when it's all said and done, you may not. Please don't ruin your legacy with this crap. Sack up, stop jerking people around and live with the consequences of what you do.



Blogger Lynsey said...

well written! My Dad agrees, and he too is not only a devout cheesehead, but a huge Favre fan. But, he should've gone out in style, retired, and been done with it.

6:44 AM  

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