Monday, April 20, 2009

rockin' the Katie Ride

We rocked the Katie Ride this weekend. Maybe not completely, because we didn't do the 100 mile version, but we did do 100 km (62 miles). Got up at about 4:45 Saturday morning, got dressed, loaded up the bikes and everything else we needed, picked up the neighbor and his bike, hit Ronalds House of Fine Meats for the youngster's pancake breakfast, and were on I-95 going north at about 5:40. Got to Fernandina Beach around 6:45, just in time to register, put the obligatory event t-shirt back in the car, and be at the start line by 7:00.
The ride truly is beautiful, from Fernandina Beach south to Fort George Island. Lots of roads beneath a canopy of trees before opening up at the south end with the ocean views and bridges from one barrier island to the next, like here, crossing Nassau Sound, between Amelia and Big Talbot Islands. It's very cool. It was especially very cool on the way south because there was a pretty strong wind out of the northeast, so we were being pushed...just a little. The same wind was not so cool on the way back north. When you get out in the open over those bridges with nothing between you and the ocean to block the wind, it gets pretty brutal.

Still, we endured, and were back at the car with the bikes loaded, having a celebratory beer (the youngster had Diet Dr. Pepper) well before noon. (I know, drinking before noon....but when you just finished a 60+ mile ride, you deserve one.) I was pretty proud of the youngster. The same kid who was whining for the last 5 miles last year, about how far it was, and how much his butt hurt, and how much more, and "I don't know if I can make it" pedaled on through the headwind with nary a peep. He just kicked butt. True, this year there was more of an audience. Last year it was just me and him. This year, the neighbor was with us, and some guy from New York that we picked up along the way, who liked our pace and asked if he could tag along. After the beer and post ride pictures, we had lunch there and hung out for a little bit. We got home around 1:30. Still, a flashback to last fall and the MS Ride that made me chuckle...he sat on a pillow during dinner Saturday and Sunday night. Hopefully by this evening his scrawny butt is back to normal.



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