Monday, May 23, 2005

and it all takes care of itself

So much worrying over nothing. The team lost Friday night, and it rained Saturday night, so no practice with his coach Saturday, and no game this week to fret over and wonder whether I should allow him to play or not. Instead, Saturday night I took my son and a friend of his to see Star Wars III, which we all enjoyed. My wife, the non-Star Wars fan, declined the trip and went shopping instead.

My son and I will continue to play catch and I'll get him some batting practice in preparation of Fall baseball, but the sense of immediacy is behind us.

As for Star Wars, if you're a fan, you will love it. If not, I'm not sure, but I think you'd still like it. It helps a whole lot to know the story behind it all and to have seen the others, or that's my opinion anyway. If you don't, you'd probably walk away with more questions than answers. I don't know anyone who has seen it without knowing the whole story, so that's just a theory. It is a pretty dark movie though. In the past I'd be more than willing to take a 5 year old child to a Star Wars movie. This one though....I don't think so.


Blogger S.S. said...

Yea, especially the part where Anakin murdered all of the youngster Jedi. That was a bit disturbing (even for me).

6:50 PM  
Blogger John said...

that, and the whole Anakin/Darth Vader erupting into flames and being toasted like a marshmellow on Planet Volcano, I think little kids could do without.

10:04 AM  

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