Thursday, November 10, 2005

hug a vet

OK, sure. I have my own very selfish reasons for saying that. I am one of those.

That's not the reason for this post though. The reason is my personal perception that Veteran's Day is not-so-slowly sailing into obscurity. I think right now it's on par with all those other holidays not observed by anybody outside the government, education or banking worlds. Soon the level will be Goundhog Day, Arbor Day, Boxing Day, Secretary's Day...Veteran's Day. I know someone from the local American Legion or V.F.W. will hold a parade on downtown J'ville, but I certainly won't participate, much less see it. I'll be at work, finishing out yet another week much like the week before.

Since I have this little corner of cyberspace, I figure the least I can do is focus a little attention on the day designated to recognize those people who stand in the face of death, willing to sacrifice everything they have in order to keep this country free, and give those of us back home the ability to debate what government should or should not do, and pursue our dreams, whatever they may be. It takes a certain kind of person to see how much the gift of freedom is worth, and be willing to defend it with everything they are. (OK, some are in it for the educational benefits or are somehow otherwise motivated. Still, they agree to defend that which all of us hold dear.) Because of them, we have the freedom to choose our path in life. We have the freedom to express our opinions, no matter how popular or unpopular they may be. Once, when I was in the military, I visited an old friend from college, whose political views were far different from mine. He looked at me and said, "The strange thing is, if I had my way, you'd be unemployed." What he never got was because I was employed in the capacity I was, and there were (and are) hundreds of thousands like me, he was allowed to express his dream. In a perfect world, I would share his dream. We would need no military, ready to back up our desire to live free with their lives. This isn't a perfect world though, and it is never going to be. Because of that, there will always be a cost to freedom. Tomorrow if you feel so inclined, please thank one of those people you see, who is or was willing to bear that cost, and demonstrated that willingness when called upon.


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