Wednesday, November 09, 2005

true confessions

I rant a lot, about what I believe and how I thing things ought to be, and point out stupid things other peole do. You might think from all that, that I think I do no wrong. Nothing is farther from the truth. I know I do stupid things, and lots of them.

I was talking to someone about it today and they asked, "What? Are you making a list?" I told them, no, if I started a list, I'd spend all my time either doing stupid things or listing them out, with little time left over to do anything not-so-stupid.

We all muddle thorough this life thing, and even when we're trying our best, not that we do that all the time, we goof up. I'm far from immune.

I got into an argument once about religion and going to church on Sunday, and the person I was arguing with said I thought I was better than other people because I held on to this practice while they didn't. I told them, no. It's because I know I'm not better than other people that I hold on to this practice. I know I need all the help I can get. How other people get that help, if they need it, is their business. This is where I go looking for mine.

They say people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, and that might be true, but we all live in somewhat glass abodes, and we do throw stones. I guess we just shouldn't be surprised when every now and then, we find ourselves replacing a few panes.

There's my piece of philosophy for the day.


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