Friday, December 16, 2005

remake this!

King Kong opened in theaters and you'll have to excuse me while I yawn.

I don't get it. I've been to the movies more than usual lately, hitting Harry Potter and Narnia, and before each, Kong was heavily hyped. There were trailers and then little feature things that I wasn't sure what to make of, but basically at both films, Kong was heavily pushed in the minutes before whatever it was I was there to see. I will grant you that my film choices have a certain youngster bent (and have for the last 8 or so years), which would lead you to wonder what good my opinion is in the first place, but I don't get the attraction. The original was good enough, but the 70's remake was a sad imitation that no amount of Jessica Lange could save. There's a lesson to be learned there. This version looks to have more special effects, but so what? Maybe I'm answering my own question. Maybe that's why the hard sell. If I want to see King Kong, I'll watch the original. Sell this thing to someone else.


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