Wednesday, January 18, 2006


I want to bring this up, just because I mentioned her up last night, and doing that makes me want to bring up more. Thank God breakfast was quite a while ago.

Hillary Clinton. The liberal on the other side of the cubicle wall sees this woman (and that's about the nicest thing I have to say about her...and I see even that as a stretch) as the great hope for the Democratic Party in the next Presidential election. When we talk about it, and we do on occasion, his attitude is something like, "What a great way to stick it to you conservatives...elect this person you absolutely can't stand."

There, as I see it, is the problem. He's right in one way. Hillary Clinton is the embodiment of most things conservatives can't stand. We didn't particularly like Bill, but Hillary was the man running that administration while Bill was playing sax and not having sex with that woman, Ms. Lewinski. I'll admit that's a stretch to make a point, and throw in my favorite Bill jab, but I think it's less of a stretch than anyone from that administration would admit. Since then, she's just become more up front about it, and more obnoxious. I look up "bitch" in the Webster's Conservative Dictionary and there she is, rolling her eyes during Dubya's State of the Union Address for the TV cameras. Under the second definition there's a really cute picture of our dog, but that's another story.

But here's the problem. Mr. Over the Cubicle Wall doesn't want to elect a president we can all like. He wants to elect someone who's going to completely piss off half the country. He doesn't want us unified. He wants me to hate life while he points at me and sounds like his 5 year old boy, going "na na na na na". So, what I see happening in his world is, Hillary becomes the Democratic Presidential candidate. She get's the Democrat vote, or some of it (because not all of them are happy with her either), and none of the Republican vote. She loses in a close race and Mr. Over the Cubicle Wall is even more ticked off than he is now, and looks for someone else in the next election that I will be able to stomach even less.

I, on the other hand, want to find a guy he can at least tolerate. I want to find someone that can appeal to a large enough body of the public to actually get elected. I've said many times that I'm not a huge Dubya guy. In the last election, I saw him as the lesser of two evils, and still do. I think there are people out there that can bring us all closer together and maybe one of them will run for president. That person could even be a Democrat. Maybe that Obama guy, if I knew more about him. John McCain is still my favorite to give it a shot. At this point, it's still a long way off and who knows. I know this though. Hillary isn't the man to do it.


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