Tuesday, August 22, 2006

America Loves Hillary

The liberal media machine is up and running, preparing for the next Presidential election.

I saw this little video thru Yahoo. It's an ABC News story parroting a New York Times poll that says 53% of those polled have a favorable impression of Hillary Clinton. It comes with a huge caption that says 'America Loves Hillary.' I have a sneaking suspicion the other 47% were the people they polled outside the New York Times offices. Who are they trying to convince? You can bet your sweet ass they didn't ask me. You can also bet your sweet ass even when Dubya's approval rating was well over 50%, you'd never see a graphic on ABC News that said, "America Loves George," but that's another story...sort of. Well no...that's not even sort of true. It's really part of the same story.

You people don't learn, do you? They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. You do this inbred New York Times poll (again), air it on your liberal news (again), and convince yourselves that someone like Hillary can be elected President (again), and then act shocked when it doesn't happen (again). Then we get to hear some guy in the background yell 'SHIT!' when the talking head covering the election announces the Republicans carried another state in a live broadcast (again). I know people are counting on the fact that Dubya has put off a lot of people, but here's a newsflash for ya....Dubya ain't running. If you act like this thing is a slam dunk, and you can shove anything that isn't George Bush down our throats, you may be making your biggest mistake of the next four years. She could look a whole lot like George McGovern and for you guys (and actually, for me, too), that's not a good thing. For Hillary, personally, it'd be an improvement. I'm not necessarily against you. I really want to take the Democratic Party seriously and look to you for a viable option, but if she's your poster child...yeah, you lost me. Here's an easy way for you folks in the New York Times offices to understand how much I, and people like me, can't stand Hillary Clinton. Think of how you now feel about George W. Bush. Is there any way in hell you'd ever vote for him, no matter what he says or does? Didn't think so.

Here's my conspiracy theory take on that whole story. Someone figured out that if Hillary runs, she will get the Democratic nomination because she has that much influence in the party, regardless of her ability to win the election. They also realize she's going to run. They can't stop her. Therefore, it now becomes imperitive to make her palatable to the American public, so crank up the propaganda machine and...

America Loves Hillary!

Believe it or not, I want a choice. I want to listen to what people have to say, and think about who I'll vote for, and weigh their stands on various issues and make a decision that is based there. She opens her mouth and it's like nails on a chalkboard to me. The New York Times wants me to think I'm in the minority, and maybe they're right, but I doubt it. If I actually listen to her, I try to find fault with everything she says....and I don't have much trouble doing it. I hate the idea of voting for what I consider, the least offensive alternative. Stick that smug bitch up there as the Democratic nominee though, and you've turned my vote into a no-brainer...and I hate that possibility.


Blogger JessieE said...

well, you knew I had to comment one way or another...so I'll leave it at:


5:58 PM  
Blogger JessieE said...

oh, and by the way, saw Steely Dan on Sat night, and it was AB FAB! Donald Fagen is the shit (so is Walter Becker) and they really only played old stuff. It was great.

5:59 PM  
Blogger John said...

Hey, I was being nice. I did say 'people' didn't I? :)

In all honesty, there's a lot about a liberal perspective that I like. I think in the end, we all want a lot of the same things. We just have different means of getting to the same end.

As for Steely Dan, I am envious....very envious. If there's anyone I never got to see live (because they never really toured when I was younger) that I would really like to...they would be it.

7:41 AM  

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