Friday, April 13, 2007

Friday the 13th, part 74

It's Friday the 13th. I know that because I just tore off the page on my little Far Side (sorry Onion, but much funnier than yours, that I had last year) calendar and saw the date, and it hit me. Does anybody really care? Does anybody really fear this day? Much has been made about it over the years, and I figure I've survived at least 74 of them (an approximation) and I can't recall anything nasty happening on any one of them...knock on wood.

Don Imus can't say the same, although I guess his really bad thing actually happened on the 12th. CBS delivered his pink slip.

Last night was sleep-over night in the lumberyard. We had kids (carpool steeler kids) and movie night, as they came with Eragon, the dragon rider movie. I took the youngster to see it in the theater over Christmas, and my opinion hasn't changed. Decent (but not great) story that had potential to be better with a better script...pretty good special effects...really bad acting.

I've been asked, by two people, this year, to play in the member/guest golf tournament at the neighborhood course. I'm not a member of the club, but I know plenty of people who are. The amazing part is they've both actually seen me play (or rather, been with me when I played. It's hard to actually see me play because your view is usually obstructed by lots of trees). Unfortunately I won't be doing it with either of them. For whatever reason, it's the week after The Players this year. I've already taken most of Players week off because my brother and his wife are coming down for the show and I'm going with them. I don't think my employer would be too keen on me asking for a few days the next week too, especially since I'm also taking a few days off around next weekend when the parents come down. I do actually have to get stuff done in the office through all this. Maybe next year I'll play golf, instead of watching it.



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