Thursday, September 06, 2007

defending Ron Mexico....lets make Whoopi

So I'm in the gym the other night, walking quickly to nowhere on the treadmill, watching ESPN News, when a clip of Whoopi Goldberg from the View comes on, trying to speculatively defend Michael Vick.

I don't have the exact quote, but the gist is...Ron's from the deep south, and dog fighting is part of their culture. He may not have seen anything wrong with it. If he was from New York, Whoopi would hold him to a higher moral standard.

Oh WRONG...on a few levels.

Ron Mexico is from Newport News, Virginia. It's across the James River from Norfolk. It's a nice drive from Virginia Beach, where people from Newport News spend their summer Saturdays on occasion. It's absolutely NOT the deep south. Newport News is more like the ankle-deep south.

Now, let's look at the deep south...say Jacksonville, Florida...where I live. I don't know anyone involved in dog fighting. It's not part of our culture. I know of nobody who believes it's an acceptable part of our lifestyle here or anywhere. No water cooler conversation starts with, "So I took Bruiser to the dog fights last night and..." At no time have I heard a commercial for an entertainment establishment that goes, "Come to Joe's Bar, where Friday night we have two for one drinks for the ladies and dog fighting 'til 2:00" I mean, we're not squeaky clean. Ladies mud/jello wrestling has found itself in drinking establishments (but even that, not very recently that I know of) and we're OK with that, but dog fighting? Not so much. I'm not saying it doesn't exist here. I wouldn't be at all surprised to find that it does, but people who do that know it's wrong. They know they have to hide what they're doing (which is why I don't know anyone who's doing it). If they didn't, they'd be dog fighting on Saturday afternoons in public, but they're not...and they're not because they know better.

Lastly, the New York crack. Let me get this straight. The moral high ground in this country is held...where? Oh don't make me puke.

Next time Whoopi...or maybe for the first time, Whoopi, think before you open that mouth.



Blogger Painter Lady said...

I have to agree with you on this. Dogfighting is not a recognized sport here either... it is illegal, as is cockfighting. I've never met anyone who says it's ok to fight dogs. Whoopie spoke out her ass.

11:52 AM  

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