Monday, August 27, 2007

maybe I'm supposed to slow down

It was kind-of a blah weekend.

The wife and I went to a class Saturday morning. It's required if you're going to volunteer at the youngster's school in any capacity that involves contact with kids. Since volunteering in itself is required, you pretty much have to take the course, or be very selective in how you volunteer. We have a hard enough time carving out the time to do what's required, let alone weeding out any opportunities that involve direct contact with we went. It was basically about sexual abuse..the warning signs to look for in suspicious adults and the warning signs in kids that may lead one to believe they may have been abused. All in all, worth the time.

After that, it was pretty much a weekend spent in frustration. Went shopping for some things, but nobody had what we neded. It's now on order though. Went out to dinner at a bar-b-que chain in J'ville. Usually pretty good, but the one we went to had marginal food and bad service. We left checking that place off the list of future dining experiences. Sunday morning I gopt up early and started biking...37 miles later...flat tire. Got it fixed and thought I'd try to get in another 20 miles after rained.

In between all that, I grilled Sunday dinner...a turkey breast that came out awesome. That goes to show, even in a frustrating weekend, I'll pull something good out of my hat.



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