Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Mandatory Parents Meeting

The youngster's new high school is taking some getting used to....for me and the wife, as well as the youngster.

We got an e-mail last week...Mandatory Parents' Meeting on the 21st at 5:30. I sat there thinking I'm off the hook. Damn, I'm glad I wasn't a Mandatory Parent. I'm one by choice. (Sometimes I question the wisdom of that move, but still, it was my choice.) Nobody made me be one. If they had, I'd have to be at this stupid meeting at 5:30. 5 freaking 30!!! Don't these people think we have jobs? How are we supposed to be at the school at 5:30. Oh well, sucks to be you, Mandatory Parents.

Then the wife explained it to me. I guess I am a Mandatory Parent.



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