Thursday, August 16, 2007

sometimes...people just suck the life out of my faith in humanity

I while back, I posted a video from an e-mail I received. It was a commercial for Bud Light that involved a swear jar. It was pretty funny. The idea was that people start putting a quarter in a jar every time they swear, and then when it accumulated enough money, they could buy Bud Light.

Well, we can't buy Bud wouldn't buy into that plan. We thought, though, it's still a good idea. We'd find some good use for the money, so we started a swear jar. After a while we decided to donate the swear jar money to the MS Bike Ride. People started swearing, just to contribute a little. A little was adding up to a lot. Well, while I was on vacation....someone stole the swear jar.



Blogger Painter Lady said...

Oh man...I swear that is sooooOOooo wrong!

It wasn't me, J. But I did steal the cookies from the cookie jar.

1:50 PM  
Blogger JessieE said...

That is F***ing Pathetic!

10:32 AM  

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