Thursday, May 22, 2008

vacation days that aren't really

I took a vacation day yesterday, because it was Senior Graduating breakfast day at the youngster's school, and the rest of the student body had the day off. It started off with something I wanted to do, but that's about where that theme ended.

I got up early and rode a little over 20 miles. Coming off being sick, I didn't think pushing 40 or 50 miles was all too smart, but I wanted to get out and do something, so I argued with myself, and debated with the wife, and between us we came up with about 24 miles, the wife still pushing for stopping at 20, but hey, I came down from 30.

Then, the youngster and I got haircuts. He needed one worse than I ever will, but I got a few snipped as well. Then we had lunch, and got to his 12:30 appt. for an eye exam, which included new contacts and glasses (cha-ching). After that was yard work, followed by a run to the post office to pick up his ADD meds, followed by dinner prep, and before I blinked, we were clearing off the dinner plates and the day off was gone.

It didn't really hit me until I came to work today and people asked me how "vacation" was...and I had to smile a little. I'm not complaining, mind you. There was a bunch of stuff that really needed to get done, and I grabbed the opportunity to do it. It was still a bit humorous though.



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