Monday, July 21, 2008

as we get closer to the Bike MS: PGA TOUR Cycle to the Shore

Daymn, MS 150 was a lot easier to say. Marketers. Go figure.

The youngster is a confusing individual. I don't understand how this works, but it does. On any given Saturday morning, getting him out of bed to ride is a chore. He buries his head in his pillow and the whining starts about getting up so early. Then we get out there and he's complaining about how fast and how far we have to go. He'll usually go about 25 - 30 miles and then I drop him at home and go farther on my own. I struggle to keep him on a 17 mile an hour pace.

Then, once a month, the MS Society has an organized training ride. We have to get up earlier, because we have to drive to the ride. Usually, I'll stop at a fast food place to get him some food on the way (and maybe this is it...because he eats before we go at home, but there's less time before we actually ride). We get there, and there are lots of other people. We check in and then hang for a few minutes before it starts..and he gets itchy to go.

Then it starts, and it's like he's in his element. He starts cruisin'. There's no complaining. He wants to keep up with/pass other groups along the way. Still, it's pretty much just the two of us, but he's pushing 20 miles an hour and I have to remind him not to burn himself out early. We'll stay with a few other people for a while, and then he'll just start pushing. We did 37 miles Saturday morning and he was rarin' to go, even at the end. I think we could have gone back out and done another 20 and he wouldn't have batted an eye. At 10:00 on a warm July morning after we finished, he was bearly breaking a sweat. I was...a pound or two lighter than when we started.

Maybe it's just the atmosphere with all the other riders doing the same route with us. Maybe it's all the motorcycle/police support. I'm not sure. All I know is it seems to have an effect on him. At least it's a positive one.



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