Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tony Hawk Jr. is still in limbo

Well, it's a day later and the youngster is still in a sling, and we're not sure what the deal is with his arm. I am thankful that it's just his arm. When he first walked in the door Sunday and both knees and elbows were bleeding, I had worse visions.

He wants it to be broken...so he gets a cool cast and a lot of attention and....I tried to tell him it's a lot like braces. He thought they were cool for the first week or so. Now, 9 months later, he can't wait to be rid of them...3 to 6 months more to go. A cast would be cool until all his friends sign it. Then, it's all downhill and itchy. He went back to school today (needing help from us to get dressed..very uncool when you're 15), and he told me he's going to tell everyone it's broken. I asked him, "Why would you want to do that? What happens if it's not, and a week from now that cast is gone? You're going to look like a fool. The truth is always a better option."

Through some of the wife's contacts, we got the x-rays read by several radiologists, and the results were inconclusive. They said it looks like the results are negative, which means no breakage, but they can't be sure. They also recommended a follow up with an orthopedist. That happens Thursday morning.

It seems strange that with all the technology and expertise, the doctors can still be uncertain, but it's the way it is. In this world where we tend to expect immediate answers and to get everything we want when we want it, some things still take time to work themselves out...which isn't such a bad thing. Patience is something we need to exercise on occasion, even if it's forced.



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