Tuesday, May 12, 2009

sure Barak, let's re-evaluate that gay military policy thing

I love how people who have never been in the military are the ones who can't figure out what difference it makes, and take it upon themselves to decide how people in the military should live. They, of course, think "don't ask, don't tell" is silly, and can't see why, other than prejudice, an openly gay person shouldn't be allowed to serve in the military.

Here, let me make it clearer for you. Women serve on ships now, but they have their own separate quarters and showers. Why? Why can't we just put everybody, regardless of sex or sexual preference, in the same showers? Why can't they all sleep together? What's the difference between that having openly gay and straight men in the same showers?

If it was just a matter of working together and doing a job, I don't think anyone would have a problem with that. It's when you introduce the idea that you sleep, and shower, and live together that people like me get uncomfortable.

Now, before you start calling me a bigot, a homophobe and a hater and whatever else, consider that a ship is essentially a prison. It has no bars, people are there by choice and get paid for what they do, butt on the flip side, there are no visiting hours and definitely no conjugal visits. Entertainment consists of what you can watch on TV (movies and on ship programming) and working out in the ship version of the exercise yard. People are isolated for weeks at a time and with no way to get anywhere off that rock...errr...ship. Unless the idea of drowning appeals to you, you're essentially in confinement (and the wife can't understand why, to this day, the whole concept of going on a cruise does not say vacation to me...go figure). Noting the similarity? Consider what happens in prision when someone drops the soap (and don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about). Then, tell me I shouldn't be concerned about that, but when you do, please also tell me why....OK, besides because I retired from the Navy and never have to ride a ship again.



Blogger Lynsey said...

LOL! I've missed you lumberyard!

2:36 PM  

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