Thursday, May 26, 2005

Memorial Day

I see babe-a-day is finding their own way to call attention to the holiday.

I know the fact that I spent a lot of years in the military, and have my own personal list of people I remember this weekend, has a lot to do with how I feel about it. Most people I know take this holiday very superficially (or at least I think they do)'s a three day weekend. Wooooooo hooooooooo!

Please take time to remember the men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice from which we all benefit. Without them, even those who denounce them wouldn't have a voice, because there is a tremendous cost in freedom. While we all benefit, freedom is a gift from the number of us willing to pay it. I remember discussions with friends whose opinions were drastically different from mine, and sometimes those discussions got heated. I remember the dumbfounded look on their face when I'd tell them, "I don't like your opinion, but I will defend your right to have it and express it with my life." They couldn't understand the concept. I'm glad there are still people in this country who do.

Many would smirk at that statement (if many read me), because they don't know how precious what they have is. They take freedom for granted, and think they are entitled to life, liberty and the persuit of happiness by birthright. That only happens if someone is commited to backing that entitlement up with blood, and is ready to have that commitment constantly tested.


Blogger Jo said...

With truth comes Passion and your words are obviously written with passionate feeling and the truth shines through.

Over here we have Remembrance Day November 11th started after the end of WW1 "the 11th hour,of the 11th day, of the 11th month 1918"

We have no right to forget those who gave their lives

2:38 PM  
Blogger S.S. said...

True, and the families they left behind.

11:39 PM  

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