Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Paris Hilton

Hardees has a new commercial that is apparently too hot for television. To see said ad, follow this link and pick your size/speed capabilities.

she of little ass

That said, I have to continue with, I just don't get the whole Paris Hilton thing. I mean, she's attractive when compared to say, Rosanne Barr, but she's not that hot (to steal her phrase). Katie Holmes, Tom Cruise's new love interest is far more babe-a-licious, as are any of the women featured in the babe-a-day link to your immediate right. Given 20 seconds, I could think of probably 20 celebrities I would rather bend over a...let's not drift off to fantasyland for too long. The biggest challenge of that exercise would be coming up with the names of 20 female celebrities, period. When I look at Paris Hilton though, all I see is dumb skinny blond who really isn't all If anything, the word 'skank' comes to mind.

The only appeal I can think of is she's rich, so I suppose, if she wanted to pay me to bend her over a.....even then, she'd have to be bagged. I might have to be bagged as well, in case hers slips off.


Blogger Jo said...

She does look attractive in the add... until the crawling on all fours bit ... and her rib cage appears YUCK

11:56 AM  
Blogger Painter Lady said...

I see a blank slate, when she's on TV. I keep thinking... wonder what happened to the chalk. To be sure, there's some around.

Then I realize, it's probably being used for the porm film crew slates... you know, the ones that they write on that tells how many takes and what scene is being made.

1:30 PM  
Blogger S.S. said...

I'm sure Paris is gonna sexy as hell in the bedroom.

All I can say is that if I need to have someone to turn me on, she'll do the job realy well. But it's Katie Holmes the one I will want to marry :)


4:44 AM  

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