Wednesday, May 25, 2005

rolley coasters

That's what I used to call them when I was about five years old. I love roller coasters, which is one of many things that sets me apart from most of my family. One of my brothers shares this love with me, but my wife will barely look at one, and my son will do the milder ones, but he looks at the ones I want to jump on and just says no. I'm working on him though. I don't know what it is about roller coasters that separates people into the ones who can't get enough from the ones who can't get on. I do know my love for them helped a lot when I took my happy ass to flight school, at the beginning of my Navy career. We had a short part of the syllabus that involved aerobatics - loops, rolls and such. Several of the instructors took a sadistic joy out of seeing if they could make students sick doing that stuff. After 7 or 8 consecutive loops, if you aren't used to that sort of thing, your cookies will become a projectile, and losing them when the G forces are going from positive to negative and back again, repeatedly, makes for one hell of an aromatic mess. I remember just having a huge grin and begging for more.

The reason for all this....Friday we travel to an amusement park in Georgia, known for having several roller coasters, and I can't wait. I know I'll spend some amount of time begging my son to go with me and with a little luck, he might on a few of them. Here's where we're going....

Wild Adventures

Last Summer my brother and I did the Storm Runner. The link includes a movie of the ride.


Blogger Jo said...

Lucky You... I love the thrill and the adrenaline rush... and that tiny fear that makes your heart pump faster still

9:49 AM  

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