Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Pat Robertson - the Sopranos solution

Now I know how liberals feel when Barbara Streisand opens her mouth, or at least I think I do. If they are embarassed and shake their heads and wish nobody ever lumped her views with theirs, then yeah, I know. This is almost enough to make me plaster bumper stickers all over the back of my car and pretend I'm making a difference by suggesting the Air Force use bake sales to buy bombers.

Pat Robertson of the 700 Club on the Christian Broadcasting Network, viewed by hundreds, past (OK, waaaay past, but still) Republican Presidential hopeful, has adopted the Sopranos philosophy. If someone presents a problem, wack 'em. Ralphie, president of a foreign country, doesn't matter. Piss me off? Take a dirt nap. Bada bing.

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is a Castro supporter, a socialist and alleged supporter of terrorism. In Mr. Robertson's view, that's enough to condemn him. OK, he later backed off the assassination call to say special forces should "take him out", which could mean any number of things, including kidnapping. What kind of idiocy is this? The guy is no real threat to anyone. He does a little sabre rattling and complaining, but he's more of a threat to his own people than he is to anyone outside his borders, and he's only a threat to them because they have to live under his communist policies, not because he's torturing anyone. Yet Mr. Robertson thinks this justifies state sponsored (in Lucius Malfoy's words) killins. Whatever happened to that Christian ideal that God gives us the gift of life and nobody but God has the right to take it away? What about that whole "Thou shalt not kill." thing? What about something as simple as the golden rule?

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, unless they irritate you in which case you should take 'em out.

Where'd that last part come from?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

whilst some of your perspectives are a bit 'fuzzy,'. I wholly agree with you're sentiments regarding Mr Robertson, although he's is vocalising what the us has done for years ; patrice lamumba, che guevara etc. God is love and we have no right to kill, that is if you believe in christ, which pat seems not to, time for us real christians to start preachin love...

4:19 PM  
Blogger Cathy said...

I just found your blog and just appreciate actually seeing one with coherent writing - but this post is great. Thanks for the thoughts. If I were a liberal and Barbara Striesland opened her mouth I'd probably be a conservative pretty soon. Actually, I'm finding less and less to distinguish them and don't know what to call myself any longer!

9:35 AM  

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