Sunday, November 20, 2005

A looong tall goblet of fire

Saw the new Harry Potter movie last night with the wife and youngster. The youngster and I are pretty much through the books, but the wife has just seen the movies. While she likes them, she's not a fanatic. Therefore it gives me a different perspective. I loved the movie, and so did the youngster, but we go in with a certain set of expectations. The Horntail was amazing. The graveyard scene when the wands connect, and all the people Voldemort killed return was done very well. Yes, there's a ton of stuff left out that I think is important, but I'm used to that with Potter movies, and I've given up groaning about it. You have to give up something when trying to tell the story in about three hours. This one was different in that regard though. Maybe it's because Goblet of Fire was a much longer book, but a lot more was missing. I could start a list here, but I'm sure it's already being compiled elsewhere by someone more thorough. Therefore it left someone who hasn't read the books lost. All the Harry Potter movies are long. This was the first one where it became an issue for someone (my wife) who hadn't read the book. She was lost, and was ready for it to be over long before it was. The other movies were better at holding her interest. I told her there was an the book. I doubt that'll happen though.


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