Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Bubba Burgers

I heard this commercial on the way to work this morning. I've heard it countless times before, but this morning it just sorta hit me.

The commercial is for Bubba Burgers, and the pitch is that they sell them in most of the major stadiums in America, and you can get them in your grocer's freezer. Whoooo Hooooo.

"You mean, I can get a stadium burger at home?"

Yeah, I guess you can. Now, I'm not knocking Bubba Burgers. I've eaten them at Alltel, and the Baseball Grounds of Jacksonville, and for stadium food, they're pretty good. What you get at a stadium should not be your standard for fine cusine, however. Stadium food is not just food. It's part of a whole a hot dog (or Bubba Burger) at a baseball game. The same hot dog in your kitchen doesn't taste quite the same without that game in front of it (and no, having one on TV doesn't compare).

As for burgers, an admitted burger snob. In my mind, there's only one way to make a burger. You get fresh ground beef (no tofurkey or any of that crap) and make the patties by hand. You put whatever you like on them before hand. In our house, that's McCormick's Montreal Steak seasoning and worcestershire sauce, but you do your own thing. You cook them on a grill...a real grill...a charcoal grill. Neither gas or George Foreman count here. While both of those have their merits, both are also a compromise to taste. If you're going there, you might as well go the rest of the way down convenience street. Pack it up and visit Ronald's House of Fine McMeats. Yes, I'm also an admitted charcoal grill snob. In all honesty, a gas grill is an OK compromise between a real burger and McDonalds, but it is a compromise. Back to the burger at hand, though. If you want cheese, it goes on seconds before the burgers come off that grill. For pure taste, no stadium burger, Bubba or otherwise, holds a candle.


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