Thursday, December 07, 2006

we'll just have to wait and see

The sky is clouding up, so who knows if we'll actually be able to see the shuttle launch...if it launches. The same clouds are apparently part of the decision making process. So, if it's too cloudy, the fact that we can't see anything will be compounded by the fact there will be nothing to see.

The Jaguars find themselves in a tie with the Broncos, Bengals, Chiefs and Jets for the two wild card spots in the AFC, and apparently, based on schedule, are given the least likely chance of making the playoffs. The least four games include the Colts at home, the Titans in Nashvile, the Patriots here and the Chiefs in Kansas City. Sure it's a tough road. As I don my teal glasses, I see nothing but a win/win situation. IF they run that table, they'll be the team nobody wants to touch in the playoffs and stand a good chance of doing something special. If they don't...and a team like the Jets gets in based on the cakewalk schedule they have...well...we didn't belong in the playoffs anyway based on our performance in those four games, so lets take the better draft pick and let the Jets go one and done....and bring everyone back healthy next year. These four games are the real barometer, and I'd rather have that...and either do it or don't...than to slide into the playoffs and get slammed, and get nothing out of it but a draft pick around number 27.


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