Tuesday, May 01, 2007

the semi-annual shit swap

This past weekend was the semi-annual neighborhood garage sale in our neighborhood. You're not supposed to have your own independent garage sale, or yard sale, or whatever else you're trying to sell. You're supposed to do it on the day designated for everyone to do it...all at once. This makes for a real circus atmosphere.

Personally, I'm not into the whole garage sale thing. The idea of sitting in my driveway, surrounded by stuff I bought and now consider crap, begging strangers for a quarter to haul it away...no thanks. The wife and youngster will walk around the neighborhood looking through everyone elses crap to see if there's anything they can buy cheap to temporarily occupy space, until they decide it's crap and either throw it out, or save it for the next semi-annual shit swap day....hence the name.

Yes, there are people who come from miles around to buy stuff, but by and large, the neighborhood becomes a parade of golf carts and walking traffic...people going through their neighbors' shit to see if there's anything interesting. (which brings up another topic...the need to travel by golf cart which has been modified so it will never be used as a golf cart, but that's another day), but that's If they like something, they give their neighbors a few bucks and take it home, use it for a few months, and display it in their collection for the next semi-annual shit swap. So the merchandise makes the rounds...the same shit...going from house to house. You can see the stuff if you pay attention. I remeber sitting in that chair in the Jones's back yard...and now the Smiths are selling it.

For me it's more of a traffic nightmare. Somewhere between the SUVs with trailers and golf carts, there are accidents waiting to happen and getting out of there requires a huge amount of patience. Once out, don't dare try to get back home until after noon, when all the curious are safely back in their homes, with someone elses shit.



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