Thursday, January 31, 2008

Hannah Hannah fo fana banana bana......

The Hannah Montana show rolled through J'ville last night. I don't get it, but I don't have to. I'm not a 10 year old girl.

My first introduction to Hannah Montana came a while ago, doing car pool at the youngster's grade school. We started listening to Radio Disney, because the kids liked the tunes and we didn't have to listen so some guy/girl calling a morning show discussing in great detail how he/she found his/her girlfriend/boyfriend screwing his/her best friend in their apartment. In any case, Hannah was a Radio Disney staple. Then the two girls in the group went to see the Cheetah Girls (another Radio Disney regular) and Hannah was touring with them. I got to hear all about how the Cheetah Girls may have been cheetah-licious, but Hannah stole the show.

So now it's a year and a half, maybe two years later. Hannah Montana is the hottest ticket going. The J'ville show sold out in less than an hour. Every parent of every 8-12 year old girl (and even a few guys) is going nuts trying to get tickets to her shows. Yesterday in J'ville, there were contests on just about every local TV and Radio station, giving away Hannah tickets. Of course, most involved the contestants doing something to show just how much they'd embarass themselves, in an effort to prove they really really wanted to go. One of the classier contests was for the most creative Hannah video on You-tube. You had to make the video and then enter it in the contest. I didn't see any of the videos. Nor do I know who won. At least it was a bit creative, and it beat the dads who dressed up like Hannah and sang Hannah songs to win tickets. It showed me how much some folks will do for their kids, even if only one of twenty thoroughly embarassed parents was taking thier daughter to the show.

Now it's all over, the Hannah tour has moved on, and the reviews are in. Apparently it was a pure pop night, which thrilled the audience it was meant least those who got to go.

All I'm wondering now is...can the girl behind Hannah manage to keep her life sane as she gets older and succeed where the Spears and Lohans of the world aren't.



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