Wednesday, July 23, 2008

back in the saddle

My usual routine for at least the last 6 months has been bike on weekends, hit the gym on Tuesday and Thursday. Well, during our week off, I skipped out on the gym. I didn't feel that bad about it because I did go bike riding several times...3 times over 50 miles. Last Tuesday was the wife's birthday, so I blew it off. Thursday I blew it off because....well, because I was being a slacker. I had no good excuse for Thursday, but I didn't go.

Therefore, last night was the first time in a while. Biking is good, but there are muscles that get more attention in the gym than they do on a bike. Consequently they demand more attention afterwards. That's OK. It's just a reminder to get out and do more than pedal.

While there though, and watching Sports Center, I got to see some brawl at a WNBA game. The announcer actually said it could be good for the game because it has people talking about the WNBA. Well, I guess that's true to a point. I mean, here I am blogging about it, but that's only because nothing else even close to earth shattering happened. By this evening, I'll have forgotten all about it...and the WNBA...again.

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