Tuesday, July 22, 2008

color me surprised

Barak Obama writes a free advertisement/op ed piece for the New York Times, and they run it. So then we have John McCain, doing the same tit for tat carp that made me shake my head when they both did ads for Army Wives. I hate the stupidity of politics, and yes, both sides do it. Anyway, McCain feels compelled to send the Times his op ed piece/rebuttal/free advertisement. Let's face facts John. No fan of the New York Times is voting for you....what's the point? It's the paper version of Rush Limbaugh from the other perspective, and that's putting it mildly. At least Limbaugh makes no pretense of being an objective source of truth. He's up front with the fact that he's all opinion and all extremely conservative. The Times tries to hide behind a very thin disguise that says it has no..cough cough...agenda.

The Times, in it's politically correct wisdom, rejected McCain's piece, proving once again...it really means all the liberal news that's fit to print.



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