Monday, September 01, 2008

Gustav and tires, and less than three weeks to go

The real Gustav news is happening in Louisiana, and I'm thinking God's listening to me. I've been watching what's happening in New Orleans, and while it's not good. It's a lot better than what it could have been.

The lesser Gustav news was happening right here in North Florida, where we got just a bit of the wind and rain from that bad boy. Yes, it's that big. No, we didn't get anything close to what they're dealing with west of us, but it definitely stole a bit of the sunshine.

It was in that mode that I got up Saturday morning and headed out for 50 miles of biking enjoyment. I thought if I got out early, I'd beat the stronger winds coming midday. I pressed on the tires and noted that they were far from flat, but they could use a little air. I decided to be lazy. I'll get them when I get home, before I go next time. They'll be fine for now.

I took off and..damn this feels harder than normal. It's all good though, because I'm training. So what if it's a little harder. It's just a little more work for the legs. I looked at some flags on my way, and they were only affected by gravity. No real wind to speak of. I pedaled through some standing water, which usually leaves a thin wet strip on the tire. The strip was noticeably fatter...quite a bit fatter. The trip seemed harder than normal, and I still don't know whether to blame the tire inflation, or maybe I was just tired or something. I got through the first 35 miles or so and started to head home...and it hit me. The wind had kicked up big time, and it wasn't in my favor. I plodded along, grabbing the hook part of the handlebars to get lower in the wind. Still, I was pretty slow. I passed a guy standing by his bike. I asked if he needed help, and he declined. A little farther down the line that same guy came riding up next to me, and commented on the wind. We talked a bit, and he fell in behind me. he stayed there until we parted company. He turned around and rode with the wind. I made it the rest of the way home.

When I finished, it was 52 miles and change...and I was beat. I went again this morning..for a shorter ride. I only went 30 miles. The wind situation was pretty much the same, but I did pump up the tires before I left. The trip was a lot easier, and I'm certain that had something to do with it. Maybe the fact that I only went 32 miles played a part too.

A little less than three weeks to go till the youngster and I take on the two day ride. I'm not as apprehensive as last year, but I am getting anxious. I kind-of wish it would hurry up and get here.



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