Friday, October 31, 2008

the politics business is really getting to me

I will be so happy when this election is over. One day....I'm hoping for just one, where I can solidly support a candidate instead of looking at one as less of a problem than the other...or one than pisses me off less than the other.

Now the two of them are invading Monday Night Football. I watch Monday Night Football, partially to get away from that crap, but no. McCain and Obama are being interviewed at some mook like Chris Berman. Oh, that's helpful. McCain is going to once again call all of us his friends, and Obama's going to suggest we take away 7 of the Steelers points and redistribute them to the Redskins to make the game more equitable. Wasn't that stupid Wednesday night infomercial enough? Isn't the deluge of lies and deceit in regular commercials enough? If you haven't made up your mind by Monday Night Football, are you really going to get the message then?

If I have to hear John McCain call me his friend any more, I just might puke. I'm sorry John, but if you don't even know my name, or anything about me, or if I even exist, you're not my friend. Part of the SNL bit on Sarah Palin (or one of the many) jokes about using the work "maverick" in a drinking the old "Hi Bob" game from the Bob Newhart show (OK, showing my age, but hey). I'm thinking if you wanted to go there, you'd get a whole lot more plastered if you used the two big guys. If you took a drink every time McCain says "my friends" or Obama says "George Bush"'d be under the table in no time.

Please...just let the madness be over.



Blogger Lynsey said...

I'll drink to that my friend! :-)

3:25 PM  

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