Friday, November 07, 2008

hopefully, it ends today

The inexact science of medicine takes another crack at the youngster's arm this morning. Even as I type, the wife is stuck in traffic, trying to get to downtown J'ville by 8:25 to check in for an 8:45 appointment, all in an effort to get the correct status on Tony Hawk Jr.'s left arm.

Almost three weeks ago, the youngster took a spill on his skateboard and did "something" to his left arm. A trip to the emergency room bought him a very expensive splint, but no conclusive diagnosis on whether or not he actually broke said arm. The x-rays were read by some of the best radiologists J'ville has to offer and still, no conclusive evidence. All said it didn't look like he broke it, but they couldn't be sure. A trip to the pediatric orthopedist rendered the same conclusion, but a full arm cast, just to be safe. That was Thursday, two weeks ago. The orthopedist said he wanted to look at it after two weeks, and then he could probably be more sure, one way or the that's this morning.

I'm so hoping it's not broken, and we can be done with the whole cast ordeal. If he has to have it, he has to, but it's a major pain in the butt, especially for him. Yes it itches. Yes, it smells. Yes it limits just about everything he tries to do. When he first hurt it, he was hoping it was broken. He wanted the cast because it would be really cool. That coolness wore off in the first two days, and now....we just want it gone.

follow up: the cast is gone! I still don't know what the final diagnosis is. I'll get that part later. He has a splint in a sling, which can be removed, and that's the important thing. At least he can take the thing off before taking a shower.



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