Friday, November 14, 2008

It appears to be Lumberyard Health week

Besides visiting Mr. My Doctor this week, it was also the Health Fair at work. I always hit the health fair, mostly because we get free flu shots there. If there's one thing worse than getting stuck with a needle, it's paying someone to stick you with the needle, so I'm all about the free pain.

Also part of the annual health fair is biometrics..cholesterol screening, and a bunch of other height/weight and Body Mass Index measurements. Again, if I go to Mr. My Doctor, I'm paying to be insulted. Here, it's free. The thing is, these folks were much nicer. My BMI is 15.5% on their little measurement gizmo, which means while I weigh more than I ought to, my percentage of body fat is well within the optimal range (the high value in the 'optimal' range was like 17 or 18%...I can't remember which), and really pretty freakin' good for a 51 year old guy. I guess I'm not that fat after all. I won't argue that I could still stand to lose a few pounds, but I'll have an answer next time Mr. My Doctor decides to use that "obese" word in a context that says I'm headed down that road if I don't lose 15 pounds.



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