Wednesday, December 03, 2008

the art of not blogging

When I started this place, I had a reason. I had several things I wanted to get off my chest and this was a venue for all that.

Now I've done that, and somewhere in my head I got this idea that I have to come here every day and write something, as if I have something interesting enough to go on about every day.

I have now come to the realization that:
a) I don't
2) I don't have to come here every day and make something up
III) I'll still use this place as it was originally intended, but I won't try to do something every day just for the sake of doing it
d) I get more hits for the girlie pics on the right than I do what I actually say, so that pretty much frames my place in cyberspace, but that's OK. That's why they're there.

It might even make the place more interesting to read on the days when I actually do have something worth saying.

Now, having said that...the Burger King steakburger has to be one of the grossest things I've ever put in my mouth, and that's saying something. As fast food places go, Burger King is usually my favorite. The burgers just taste better to me. The double whopper, no cheese is my junk food staple, if I allow myself to eat that crap.

So, when I saw the poster that said steakburger, with two of my favorite toppings, swiss cheese and mushrooms, I thought a switch may be in order. I was so wrong. I don't know where they get the square steak, but I'm having trouble believing that's actually beef steak in that bun. If you've been tempted as I was...spare yourself and pass. That thing melts in your mouth, for all the wrong reasons.

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Blogger Lynsey said...

say no more. I'll pass.

8:25 PM  

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