Monday, December 11, 2006

sights of the weekend

It was cloudy Saturday night at 8:47, and we were afraid we wouldn't see it at all when the shuttle actually launched. We waited, and waited...and then, a portion of the clouds was backlit...brighter and brighter...and finally it broke through, and it was beautiful. We got a few seconds of an actual shuttle sighting, before it ducked behind the clouds once more and for good. It was very cool.

Almost as spectacular was the whoopin' the Jaguars put on the Indianapolis Colts yesterday. It was a thing of beauty. It puts me in a predicament though. I'm starting to believe again. Just when I lowered my expectations for this season, the boys are making me believe they're capable of amazing things. I hate when they do this, because I always, always, always get slammed back to reality...but..but...but...maybe this time will be different.

Sure, Charlie Brown, maybe this time Lucy keeps the ball on the ground and lets me kick it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saw the Jags/Colts highlights and was impressed with your Jags. My Panthers suck. I could make excuses but it's not Excuse Monday.

Caught the Saints/Dallas game. And Me-O's interview ... poor Me-O. Always a sob story.

Glad I had a hankie handy.

12:02 PM  

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