Monday, May 21, 2007

return of the slug...still getting back to real life

My brother and his wife left and I did the gym last Tuesday. Then all the youngster's graduation stuff came along and we weren't home until after 9:00 Wednesday or Thursday. Short story long, I didn't hit the gym after Tuesday, and was feeling like quite the slug, but come Saturday morning, I was biking...dammit! I didn't know if I was up to picking up where I left off, but I was at least going to start back up again. If it was only 20 miles, so be it, but I was getting up and out there.

I called my sometimes work-out companion, who's been absent the last few weeks, got his answering machine yet again. Again, no call back, so I was going it alone. So I went...and I went 33 miles, but came home feeling awful. On the trip back through the neighborhood, I saw my sometimes workout companion and we agreed, instead of me calling every Friday to see if he's going, he'll call me when he gets back in shape and feels like he can keep up and wants to try. (In other words, I've been kissed off.) I really shouldn't have bit off 33 miles maybe, and still had to cut the grass (because workouts weren't the only thing ignored with company in town). Got that done, with help from the youngster (we tag teamed it) and showered and...really needed a nap. Napped for a very long time and didn't feel all that much better when I got up.

After dinner, I realized how I was I do when I have the flu. It's been a while, but that's what it felt I grabbed the thermometer and...lo and behold, maybe not the flu but I was running a fever. That explains a bit.

Short story even longer....I selpt most of yesterday away and feel a bit better today, and no I'm working. We'll see if I make it all day, but I believe it was the little engine that could who said, "I think I can, I think I can..."



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