Monday, June 04, 2007

so Billy D wants a mulligan

This story is a long way from playing out, but apparently Billy Donovan is having second thoughts about moving from Gainsville to Orlando. The Gator Nation is jumping for joy, because the assumption is he's going back....but not so fast.

True, when the cigar smoke clears, I expect that to happen, but there's a bunch of legalese between now and then. The guy signed a contract with the Orlando Magic. They have to let him out of that. I suppose they will. I can't see them holding a coach hostage when he doesn't want to be there. He hasn't said so publicly, but the whole world knows he's having second thoughts. That can't be healthy for a NBA team. Then again, maybe they can still convince him that Orlando is where he really wants to be. Maybe. Maybe not. If he decides he really wants to be in Gainsville, the University of Florida has to take him back. That too, I suppose, is a no brainer. The guy took them to the national championship the last two years. Why wouldn't they? It all has to play out that way though, and as many surprises as there have been in this drama so far, why not a few more?



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