Tuesday, February 05, 2008

happy Fat Super Tuesday

...or Super Fat Tuesday, depending on your perspective.

It is Fat Tuesday, the end of Mardi Gras and the last day to party before Ash Wednesday and Lent settles in (for those of you unaware of the Christian stamp on the whole Mardi Gras debauchery thing). It's also Super Tuesday, when we will probably end up with our Democratic and Republican front runners in the race to the White House. At least the parties hope we have front runners, so they can stop beating each other up and focus on beating up their November opponents.

In a way, the two celebrations go together...because face it, Super Tuesday could use a beer, or a hurricane, and what's better to discuss (in a very l;oud voice) after several Pat O'Briens hurricanes on Bourbon Street than politics? Well, there is your inexplicable desire to Bust A Move for the karioke machine, but that's a blackmail story for another day.

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