Tuesday, February 06, 2007

sometimes it's all about how good we feel about ourselves...

...even if we really could use a dose of reality. It can be a cruel world out there, but you have to recognize that if you want to get anywhere in it.

I blogged about this last week, but it appears the issue just won't go away.

The Nationwide Insurance commercial where K-Fed flips burgers has some honcho (or honchos) in the burger flippin' world bunchin' his (or their collective) panties. Personally, I'm having a hard time believing anyone is taking him/them seriously.

Yeah, Kevin Federline did a commercial about his status spiral from celebrity rap icon and Spears' stud muffin to fry machine operator. Is there some debate about the concept that this is indeed a demotion in any way you'd like to measure it? Even in the lumberyard, where rap star falls slightly below Walmart greeter in the success ladder of life, fry machine operator is a less desirable career move. It is. That's why burger flippers are on the dollar menu. That's why the job is perceived that way. Get over it. You want something more desirable in the career field, learn to hold the SLOW/STOP traffic flag at construction sites.

If I worked for Nationwide and had the power to do it (and I realize the execs at Nationwide are now pleading, John, please don't help us now, because they are avid lumberyard fans), there'd be a new series of commercials, just like Geico Caveman commercials, where it's a career burger flippin' K-Fed talking to the psychiatrist. You could have burger flippers watching the K-Fed commercial, shaking their heads. Just blow it right back in their collective whiney faces. I don't know what world these people live in, but it could use a dose of face slap, ass kickin' reality.

In other Super Bowl commercial news, Snickers has pulled it's add where two auto mechanics start eating the same candy bar from opposite ends and accidentally kiss in the middle, causing an awkwad "guy" moment. Apparently some gay folks are offended, thinking it says something bad about their gay-ness. For the love of roasted peanuts, caramel and milk chocolate, grow a sense of humor people. I don't care who you are, that commercial was pretty funny. Here's some news for you. I'm offended that you're offended. Does that get the commercial reinstated?

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