Tuesday, October 23, 2007

la la la la la la la I can't hear you


Why did J.K. Rowling have to out Albus Dumbledore of Harry Potter fame?

I didn't need to know he was gay. I guess I really don't care, one way or the other, but the guy died in the 6th book, and his sexual orientation and/or romantic life were never part of any plot line. The article in the above link explains that in some Q and A session, Rowling was asked if Dumbledore ever finds true love. She explained he was gay, and "was smitten with rival Gellert Grindelwald." It was his "great tragedy". Wouldn't "no" be a sufficient answer? Did we need that kind of detail? I mean, we never saw romantic involvement for Minerva McGonnegal, Severus Snape, (though Snape had a thing for Lily Potter), Sirius Black, Crabbe, Goyle, Draco Malfoy (or Lucius Malfoy, for that matter - perhaps he was gay and Narcissa was just window dressing, cuz you know he worshipped "you know who"), or Professor Sprout or any number of other characters but we have no similar speculation about them. The only romantic relationships that really mattered to the story were those of Harry and Ginny, and Ron and Hermione. There were a few others thrown in, and they enhanced the plot, but that's not the case with Dumbledore. Whether Albus Dumbledore is straight or gay lends absolutely nothing to the story. It's not like she needed some edgy detail (oooooooh, let's make him gay) to sell more books for cryin' out loud. We've seen his office in the movies and you gotta admit, his decorating ability leaves him far short of Fab 5 material for Queer Eye. Did he need a sexual preference at all? It really doesn't make any difference, so why did we have to throw that into the mix?



Blogger Painter Lady said...

To begin with, it was a stupid question. I mean the man dies in book 6 and hell, who cares if he finds true love.

But revealing he's gay... that's too much. Now my birthday is totally ruined.

I think many Harry Potter book fans go too far in wanting all the sordid details of a character. Please.. JK don't tell me Sirius was bi. I can't handle any more.

1:57 PM  

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