Wednesday, February 06, 2008

McCain, Limbaugh and Dole

Yeah, I work during the day, so I get some news second and third hand.

I got home from work last night and we're eating dinner, and the wife asks me if I heard about the big flap between John McCain, Rush Limbaugh and Bob Dole. I hadn't, but she told me about it, and Romney's comments and how he's backpeddaling and so on. Then I read a little online before hitting the gym. Somewhere in that reading process I started to get pissed off.

I don't care that Rush Limbaugh bashes McCain. If he doesn't like him, he's free to say whatever he wants to. I'm free to either agree or disagree. I don't care that Bob Dole wrote a letter asking him to reconsider. He too, is free to do that. Nor do I care that Romney verbally put his finger and his thumb in the shape of an "L" on Dole's forehead, and now feels like he ought to clarify the definition of "L".

What I do care about is the idiocy I read last night in some quote from Limbaugh that I wish I could find now, but I can't. The gist of the quote was, if McCain ends up with the Republican nomination, he'd vote for Hillary, so she gets blamed for what happens.

Now, that's the thing I hate most about Washington and how people vote and view things, and all sides are guilty. They don't give a shit about what's best for the country. They vote to make the other side look bad. That's party politics at its most stubborn, its most frustrating and it's most just downright stupid. If you honestly like Hillary (assuming she ends up being the Democratic candidate) and think she can do the best job running the country, by all means, vote for her. If you think McCain (again, assuming he ends up being the candidate) would, vote for him. You vote for who you think can best lead this country. You put aside all that other crap, because you love the country and want the best for it. You don't vote for someone because you want the blame to go to the right place when the choice sours. You don't vote for who you believe is the worst choice for America. That's taking an awesome right and responsibility, and treating it like one of those Chinese toys with too much lead in the paint...and it should be treated as such. If that's how and why you vote the way you do...if that's your motivation for making your choice for President of the United States...your vote should be recalled. You're taking something that I consider very precious and treating it like garbage.

I've made no secret of the fact that I like both McCain and Romney. I think they'd make a great ticket together, if they could manage to get over each other and work together. I think either would do a better job of leading this country than any of the other choices I have, but I'm not locked in to anybody. That's why, for now, I'd vote for either of them. That might change between now and November, but in any case, I'll vote for the person I think is the best choice of those available to run the show. I won't vote for someone so they can get elected and be blamed for whatever ugliness I envision for the future.

Rush Limbaugh, you're being an ass.



Blogger JessieE said...

Rush Limbaugh IS an ass. And I hate to say it, but by even giving him your space and your time and your thought, he wins. Don't waste your breath.

Hopefully, America the beautiful, and the brightest, will finally see the light.

10:26 AM  
Blogger John said...

I guess, when it comes to the battle of who gets my attention for a day, I don't care if he wins. If your only aspiration is to be blog fodder in the Lumberyard, the bar's pretty low.

When it comes to who has the keys to the country, though, I want someone to care more than being a spoiled little shit and saying "because I can't have exactly what I want, I would rather try to make somebody look bad than be responsible."

12:50 PM  

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