Wednesday, March 26, 2008

tempests in teapots

It was another gym night last night, so i watched a little of Florida beating Arizona Sate for a trip to New York and the N.I.T. final four...and political crap.

Way too much is being made of Obama and his pastor...or ex-pastor...or whatever, Rev. Wright. If the guy was being considered as a running mate, or maybe a future cabinet position, I could see scrutinizing or criticizing his political views, but damn...he's a pastor. I care about what he says about his relationship with God. I don't give a damn about his politics. I belong to a church. That church has had two pastors and 2 assistant pastors in the 7 years I've attended...and there may be more. I don't agree with everything those men have said, but none of them will make me leave my church. Those guys are stewards. They don't own the place. I do. My pastor(s) give me plenty to think about, but they don't affect my politics. Leave the pastor thing out of it all.

Next we went to the polls, where 56% of those questioned thought the pastor issue would affect their ability to vote for Obama in November, which could be a serious blow to his elect-ability. Again with the polls...the same polls that gave this same senator a snowball's chance in hell eight months ago. By November, they'll change again. Who cares?

Now, after that rant, you may be inclined to think I support Senator Obama. Nothing could be farther from the truth. After listening to him speak on many issues, he and I don't see eye to eye on very much, and I doubt I could endorse him for President. I just think the opinions of his pastor are inconsequential.

Next lets move on to the new governor of New York...who apparently admitted to illegal drug use in his youth. No, I don't condone that, but really,'s a non-issue. I did a lot of stupid shit when I was in college...and the years immediately after. I wish I could give you specifics, but I don't recall most of those. In some cases, I consider myself lucky that my actions weren't witnessed by law enforcement officials. That was about 30 years ago, and I'd like to think I've done a lot of growing up in those 30 years. I'm not at all the same person I was back then. OK, some things don't change, but a lot has. I'm not saying I'd make a great governor, but I think my abilities in the area of judgement, and reasoning, and evaluation have grown with experience. If a guy did something stupid in the 70's, how relevant is 2008? Does it have any effect on his ability to govern a state. I don't think so.

I suppose it could have been worse. Dancing With the Stars might have been on the tube.



Blogger Lynsey said...

Obama is a great speaker--but that's it. He has nothing of substance, nothing to back what he is actually talking about. We need a little more in a president besides how well can deliver a speech.

With all this political crap, I'm tempted to get into DWTS this season. Beats looking at Hillary I suppose.

9:02 AM  

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